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St Patrick's RC Primary And Nursery School

"I come that they may have life and have it to the full"

Lee Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL8 1EF

0161 633 0527

  2. School council

School council

Hi we are St Patrick’s RC Primary School’s School Council.

We meet weekly to share and discuss our views. Each class across the age ranges, starting from year 2 through to Year 6, have two main representatives that have been elected by their class.

We are excited about the challenge of fulfilling our role as Councillors. The Teachers and Head teacher are interested in what we have to say. We are working hard to improve our school for everyone.

Events this term organised by the school council

  • During harvest we are collecting tins and packaged food to donate to a local food bank
  • During November we will be working hard to ensure we have an anti-bullying ethos throughout school
  • During December, we will be raising money and celebrating Christmas jumper day

What do the children think about School Council?

  • They think it is important that as a Councillor they represent everyone in school and carry forward ideas from their peers in class.
  • They believe they should be an outstanding role model to others in school.
  • All think it is important to raise money for school and other school supported charities.
  • They think the School Council is fun and they enjoy coming to meetings to discuss important things.

Harvest collection

Thank you to everyone who dontated to our harvest collection. All donations have gone to the Oldham food bank