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St Patrick's RC Primary And Nursery School

"I come that they may have life and have it to the full"

Lee Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL8 1EF

0161 633 0527

  2. Children
  3. Remote Learning General Guidance

School Closure

Schools are to close. The school and its staff are working hard to continue your child's education. To the right you will find direct links to your child's year group where additional websites and resources have been added.

General Resources

A range of fun interactive maths and English games can be accessed here. Just click the menus and tabs to select the topic and age group.


Twinkl is an online resource website used by many schools worldwide.  In light of current events, Twinkl have offered FREE access to all of their resources.  Parents can sign up for free here: here using the offer code: CVDTWINKLHELPS Twinkl help for parents contains information about how best to use the resources.

If you are unsure of what to do, reading comprehension and maths practice of their year group topics is best.

If you are unsure of which topics to cover in Science, History, Geography etc, please refer to the long term plans on each class page.


The most valuable activity children can do is read.  If the libraries are closed or you do not have books at home, texts can be found here (Once you have set up your free Twinkl account)

You can also access free pdfs and audiobooks of 6 classic children's novels (no login required)

You can access free downloads of  FirstNews a good-quality children’s newspaper.


Each link to the right has details of the specific spellings for your child.


This is the White Rose Maths scheme of work we use for maths. 

We would recommend they practise and consolidate learning from earlier in the year either by clicking on the White Rose Maths units or searching for the topic on Twinkl. Free maths practice activities can be accessed here

TT Rockstars

Your child should have a login to Time Tables Rock Stars.  If you do not have this information, please contact the school office. 

If you are unable to access materials from home, school are able to provide a pack of paper activities.  Please contact the school office.